August 11, 2020
Get set Go - Variables in Go language
August 7, 2020
Azure Resource Manager - Using secrets in ARM templates
August 4, 2020
Get set Go - First program
August 3, 2020
Get set Go - Introduction to Go language
July 31, 2020
Azure Resource Manager - Using functions in ARM templates
July 30, 2020
Azure Resource Manager - Using expressions and variables in ARM templates
July 24, 2020
Azure Resource Manager - Adding parameters to ARM templates
July 23, 2020
Azure Resource Manager - ARM template basics
July 23, 2020
GitHub Hub CLI - An extension to git command-line
July 17, 2020
Azure Resource Manager - Tools for ARM template design, authoring, and deployment
July 16, 2020
Azure Resource Manager - Introduction
July 15, 2020
PowerShell commands to generate shorturls
July 10, 2020
Adding visitor counter to statically generated web pages
July 8, 2020
My custom Hugo shortcode collection
July 6, 2020
GitHub workflow for streamlined publishing of static pages
July 1, 2020
Microsoft MVP for another year
June 16, 2020
How I use GitHub Gists to store and display code snippets in blog posts
June 14, 2020
Embedding Channel9 Videos in Hugo Static Pages
May 31, 2020
Hugo shortcode for Deploy to Azure Button in a Static Page
May 31, 2020
Moved Blog to a Static Site Using Hugo and GitHub Pages