Mastering Go CLI and TUI

Go is a fast, simple, and versatile programming language for building command-line and terminal user interfaces (CLI and TUI). Whether you want to create a tool for system administration, data analysis, network monitoring, or game development, Go can help you achieve your goals with ease and efficiency.

In this book, you will learn how to master the art of CLI and TUI development in Go. You will start by writing a CLI application using the flag package in the standard library. Then you will dive into CLI and TUI libraries and frameworks, such as cobra, bubble tea, and more. You will learn how to create interactive menus, forms, tables, charts, widgets, and animations that run entirely in the terminal. You will learn how to create Go CLI in extending kubectl CLI. You will also learn to test, debug, and confidently deploy your CLI and TUI applications.

By the end of this book, you will have the skills and knowledge to create powerful and user-friendly CLI and TUI applications in Go that can run on any platform and device.

[Mastering Go CLI and… by Ravikanth Chaganti PDF/iPad/Kindle] (

Azure Bicep - Zero to Hero

Azure Resource Manager (ARM) brought in a new deployment model to Microsoft Azure. Unlike the classic deployment model, ARM looks at groups of resources and manages the life cycle of these resource groups from end to end. ARM simplified how you built and managed services on Azure. Along with the ARM deployment model, Microsoft also introduced a new way of provisioning Azure services through Azure Resource Manager templates. These templates are based on JSON data representation and provided a declarative way to define your Azure infrastructure. ARM templates offer a great way to automate infrastructure provisioning and integrate well into the infrastructure as code practices. However, using JSON data representation for ARM template language makes it too complex to read and write more extensive infrastructure definitions. For users getting started with Azure infrastructure deployments, this can be a nightmare.

Enter Azure Bicep. Bicep language is a transparent abstraction over ARM template language. Azure Bicep templates traspile to ARM JSON templates. Bicep language is easy to learn and very simple to read and write. Being a transparent abstraction on top of ARM templates, Bicep supports the same resource types and properties. By building on top of resource specification API as the backend, Bicep enables day-zero support for any new resource introduced as an Azure service.

This book focuses on deploying and managing Azure infrastructure with Bicep and covers everything that you need to know right from basics to the advanced usage of Bicep language to create complex Azure infrastructure configurations and implementing continuous pipelines for your Azure infrastructure configurations.

You can buy this book at [Azure Bicep - Zero to… by Ravikanth Chaganti PDF/iPad/Kindle] (

Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration Revealed

When PowerShell 4.0 was first released, I had immediately jumped onto PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) feature and blogged about it quite a bit. Just when I thought I should turn that into an ebook, Apress approached for publishing a book around PowerShell DSC and I immediately said yes. It was fun writing this and like my previous books, this was an instant hit since there was not even proper documentation around PowerShell DSC at that time.

This book is available for purchase on Amazon.

Pro PowerShell Desired State Configuration

After the first book on PowerShell DSC and after release of PowerShell 5.1, DSC added many new features and exciting enhancements. A lot of cloud providers added support for DSC as well. It was not very easy to cover everything in a single book. It took me exactly 2 years to finish writing this book but it was worth it. Pro PowerShell Desired State Configuration significantly expands previous edition, bringing a complete in-depth reference for applying this evolving technology in your day-to-day work involving PowerShell DSC.

This book is available for purchase on

Layman’s Guide to PowerShell Remoting 2.0

This ebook is more like a beginner guide that will take you from zero to hero around the concepts of PowerShell remoting feature in version 2.0. This was my first attempt at writing anything more than a couple of pages. And, IMHO, this ebook (or rather just a PDF) was very well received and was the most referenced during the days of PowerShell 2.0 and 3.0. I really enjoyed writing it since I wrote it the way I prefer to read the remoting concepts and that clicked with many readers. I started it as a blog post series and converted that into a consolidated PDF format.

This is available for no cost here.

WMI Query Language via PowerShell

This ebook helps you explore basics of WMI Query Language, different types of WMI queries, and learn how PowerShell can be used to retrieve WMI management information using WQL. This is still the most popular WMI content out there referenced by many administrators and security (red and blue teams) professionals.

This is available for no cost here.